Other: Kyah

Season’s BeginningKyah-WM

Changes in life may not always neatly follow a calendar of days, weeks, or months. Some periods may last longer or shorter than others. Some can seem to go on for a short forever. The latter could be considered “seasons.” When a new season in life begins, the emotions, reactions, and thoughts can be as varied as the colors on the cover of this card.

Thankfully, our Heavenly Father has assured us that He is the one constant we can count on, no matter how our circumstances shift or are altered. He is more than able to remain everpresent with us, going before, behind, and within us when we belong to Him.

Greeting Card Design:  THANK-Kyah –  click here to view in the Kat Kreations online katalog (also as THINK-Kyah and CMAS-Kyah).  NOTE: The watermark only appears in the online version of the image in order to aid in protecting copyright.  Greeting cards and art prints do not have the watermark.


The art for the cover image was created by my cousin, Kyah, using chalk pastels.